Thursday 17 November 2011

We're finally here

Hi everyone,I'm now sitting at an amazing guest lodge in Johannesburg, waiting for my sweet and sour chicken.
We got of the plane at about 3.20 South Africa time, which is almost midnight Melbourne time. We went to pick up our bags at the conveyor belts and our big suitcase was out pretty much straight away, but we waited and waited for our bag with most of dad's clothes in it, but it didn't come. Basicaly they lost our bag, but it should be here within the next couple of days....hopefully!
Anyway, we came out of the terminal and there was a really nice guy waiting for us and he drove us to this guest lodge. Jayne and I practicly got straight in the pool.
It's now 7pm and as soon as we finish dinner, I'm going to crash!
Talk to you later
Jayne Crashing :P

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