Sunday 20 November 2011

Day 4

I was practically asleep when I posted Day 3, so I decided to do Day 4 (Sunday) today.

Well, at 6.30 in the morning we went for a game drive, in the back of a safari land rover, before breakfast. The first thing we saw was a worthog. Hakuna Matata! We also saw some impala, blesbok, zebra, buffalo and lots and lots of guinea fowl!

It was a really rough drive so my knees got a bit battered, but it was heaps of fun so I didn't mind.

Breakfast was in a room with heaps of "animals" in it. Jayne and I felt a little uncomfortable because of the hunting trophies, but breakfast was good. Just outside the breakfast room, a nyala was there with her baby. It was really cute!

We had to start taking our maleria tablets on Saturday because we have to take them 2 days before we go to Zambia, while we are there and for 4 weeks afterwards!!

Once we left Ingwe, we went back to the lion park to buy some more things and to have lunch. We had to take a detour because of a big bike race going on in Johannesburg. We shared a plate of chips for lunch because we were still full from breakfast. We also introduced our waiter to spiders, the drink kind. :)

From the lion park we took an other detour to Jen's house where I meet Jaylin for the first time. We had heaps of fun playing South Africa Trivial Pursuit. Jaylin knew a lot of the answers to the African related questions, but somehow Jayne won. We also jumped in the pool after the braai (BBQ).

When we left Jen's we came to the 9inObservatory where we stayed the night.

Off to Zambia today

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