Sunday 6 November 2011

Not Long To Go

Hey everyone
The reality of the fact that we're going to Africa is really starting to excite me.
We're starting to work out what we're going to pack now, especially what we're taking to Zambia. Because of all the mosquito's in Zambia, the clothes we're going to wear there has to be soaked in this stuff called Debugger before we go. I hope it doesn't stink.
I'm not sure what to take to wear when  I'm on the elephant back tour (we ride elephants) because i can't wear skirts or short shorts which is what I'm wear for most of the trip, but it's going to be too hot to wear jeans or thin trackies and i need to figure it out soon because we need to Debugger it.
I brought my new, and first, camera on Friday. It's a Fujifilm Finepix s4000. It has a massive zoom so it's going to great for getting the lions in the distance. It's got so many settings it's not funny. It's even got a baby mode. It's awesome! :P
Chat soon.

10 days to go till we fly.

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