Saturday 26 November 2011

Day 8

Thursday we went to Chobe, Botswana. We had a quick breakfast at 7 before our 7.30 pickup. It took us about an hour to get to the Zambia border. After being stamped out of the country, we took a speed boat across the Zambezi River and got stamped into Botswana (our 10th stamp btw).

We were then driven to a hotel in Kasane where we started our cruise through the Chobe River. We saw heaps of Birds, too many Birds. We also saw some Hippos, Crocs, Water Monitor Lizards and Elephants.

After the cruise we had a buffet lunch and the food was delicious!

After lunch we went to the Chobe Game Park. We saw soooo many animals! Lots and lots of Elephants and Impala, including day/week old babies. We also saw a Spotted Hyena, Baboons, Hippos, Kudu, Mongooses, Squirrels, Buffalo, Cebu (watch this and a pride of lions. We spent about 2 and a half hours at the game park then we were driven back to the Botswana border, then back over to the Zambian border via boat.

On our way back to Waterfront our driver stopped next to a safari truck. It turns out there was a couple of white rhinos a couple a few hundred meters off the road and they said they would take us to see them. That was special considering there are only 7 white rhinos in Zambia.

We got back to the Waterfront at 5 and after dinner went straight to bed.

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