Saturday 26 November 2011

Day 7

Wednesday was a very busy day. We started of the day with a 15 minute flight, in a micro-light, over the Victoria Falls. The view was stunning! I also got to steer the micro-light for a bit which was awesome. After we had all finished our flights, we went back to the Waterfront for breakfast.

At 9.30 Herbert picked us and took us to the school that he and his wife had started in 2008 for preschool and lower primary school kids. The kids put on a show for us, showing dances from different provinces of Zambia, and then we all played together.

To start off with the kids were shy, but by the end of the 2 hours we spent there, they wouldn’t let go of us! They were all so cute and we didn’t want to go but they finish school at 12.30 and they still had some things to do so we went back to the Waterfront again for lunch.

After lunch we went for a horse ride. My horse was playing up so I didn’t enjoy it.

From the horse ride we went to the gorge swing. Jayne and I did a tandem swing and that was insane! We had to hold on to each other, as well as the rope attached to our harnesses, and shuffle backward of the platform. Then we fell!! Down, backwards, 50 metres in less than 3.5 seconds. Then the rope caught us and we swang.

I’m glad I did it with Jayne because I don’t think I would have done it by myself. Once we were on the ground and had taken our harnesses off, we started our walk up and out of the gorge. It took us about 15 minutes of steep climbing up rough stairs to get back to the top. When we got to the top, we found dad playing mancala with one of the guys there. He let dad win.

We got back to the Waterfront around 4.30 had a swim, ate and went to bed.

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