Thursday 1 December 2011

Day 9

Friday was our last day in Zambia. To start the day we went to Livingstone Island which is an island on the edge of Victoria Falls.

We took a speed boat over there, in 2 groups, and walked to where we got changed in to our bathers. Then we swam out to devils pool, a pool right on the edge of the falls, using a rope to follow our guide. When we were on the rock we got the whole safety spiel and asked whether we wanted to jump or slide in.

Our group was first and we all decided to slide in considering we were right on the edge of Victoria Falls. We sat on the edge where there was a small ledge and had a group photo.

Then one by one our guide held us over the edge of the falls. It was really scary, but sooo amazing! All you could see was water cascading down the falls, below you and around you.

Once we had all had our turn at being held off the falls, we climbed out of the pool and swam back across to Livingstone Island for breakfast. We were given a scone, date muffin as well as eggs benedict (egg, bacon, tomato, lettuce and a massive scone/breakfast muffin) and tea.

After breakfast we took the boat back to the main land and drove back to the Waterfront. We finished packing and at 10.30 we were picked up and taken to the airport and waited to board our plane. The flight was almost 2 hours.

We got to Johannesburg around 2.00 and I was feeling sick because I almost had a full bag of biltong (like jerky) by myself plus I had been on the computer and the combination made me feel crap.

We got through everything smoothly, well they had to go look for dad’s chair, and we were met by a friend of dads, Paul VanEdgom.

We went TWR, the radio station where he works, and he gave us a small tour before went we out for an early dinner. Jayne and I shared a small platter because we were still full from breakfast and biltong.

After dinner he took us back to 9inObersevatory. Jayne and I had a swim in the pool while dad went out and brought some ice-cream and chocolate.

After our strawberry cheesecake ice-cream and Turkish delight chocy we hit the sack for a well needed sleep.

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