Saturday 3 December 2011

Day 10

Saturday was a quiet day, the first quiet day of our holidays. We slept in till 6.30, which was good because we’d been walking up around 5ish every morning. We sorted out what had to be washed and what was clean before Jen picked us up at 9.30.

We lazed around for about an hour and then TJ (Jen’s husband) took us to the transport museum. I was pretty cool and there were some weird cars like a car shaped like an orange or when the door is the front of the car. We went back to Jen’s and order pizza for lunch.

At 1.30 Jaylin, Jayne and I jumped in the back of their Ute with 2 of the 3 German Shepards and went to dog school. We were there for an hour, but that wasn’t the real fun.

It was when we were driving back to Jen’s, and we were all in the back again, and someone jump out in front of the car in front of us so we had to stop quickly and I hit my head on Jaylin’s knee. It was hilarious; we were laughing the rest of the way back.

We got back and about 30 minutes later we were in the car again to go to a BBQ with Jen’s brother and his family.

On the way there we dropped in on Margret and Hugh and had a quick afternoon tea with them. Margret is one of Grandad’s cousins.

The BBQ was good, everyone was talking together and the potato salad was really good! We got home around 8 and crashed.

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