Monday 5 December 2011

Day 13

Tuesday we climbed Table Mountain. Well, not really, we took the cable car up to the top and walk around up top.

 At the start of the walk there were these really cute animals called Dassies lying on the rocks. They looked dead until they moved and there was some really cute baby ones.

We walked for about 3 hours and in that time I grazed my knees, we took a “short cut” through mud and chin high spiky reeds that stabbed my grazed knees and got more sun burnt then I would have liked. The views were great up there though.

When we stopped for a snack, a little birdy came up really close to us and started going underneath our legs and eating our crumbs, which was really cool. It even ate some straight out of Jayne’s hand!

When we were finished walking around, we got back in the cable car and went down to the bottom station. We went and had lunch at Ivor and Cora’s and then went back to Robin’s Nest for a rest, or in Jayne and my case, a swim.  

Around 4.30 we went to the St John’s Wynberg cemetery to look for some of our family’s graves. We found 5, one had Haddie and Fredrick Dowthwaite and their mother Margaret, and another had Metabel and Charles Dowthwaite, their daughter Evelyn and twins Maggie and Ernest, the 3rd grave had John and Florence Dowthwaite. Robert George Dowthwaite had a grave to himself and the last was my Great-grandfather Charles Gordon Dowthwaite with his first wife Irene.

See the thing is the only ones that actually died at the same time was Metabel and her twins who all died in child birth, the rest all died at different times and were just added to their family’s grave. I found one family that had 10 people in the one grave!

We spent an hour there and then went back over to Ivor and Cora’s for diner and crashed when we got home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beccy - I've been trying to make contact for some time! One of my Grandfather's sisters was Metabel Sheni Pollard who married Charles Dowthwaite and went to S.A. (Wynberg). Thanks to your Blog, I have been able to piece together quite a bit of info. on the family. With your help, I'm sure that I can learn much more - for example, where do you fit in? Could you please make contact with me on with a view to sharing family history? John Pollard in England.
