Monday 5 December 2011

Day 14

Wednesday was an interesting day. Ivor and Cora took us to Cape Point for the day. We drove along the coast most of the time and the scenery was awesome.

We first stoped at mineral world where they tumble, polish and cut gemstones. There was heaps to buy and you could also go upstairs and see the whole process. We didn’t spend long there because we had a booking for lunch and we still had to see the light house.

We got to cape point at around 12 and headed straight up to see the light house. It was a fair walk and steep so it took us a good 20minute to get up there so we could only spend 5 minutes up there because we still had to get down. It took us a bit longer to get down and we were 20 minutes late for our booking but they didn’t mind.

Now starts the interesting part. As some of you may know I have a minor allergy to mushrooms, pistachios and cashews so that if I eat them I get sick (throw up). Well I ordered some basil, spinach and feta stuffed chick and after eating it for a bit I started to feel a bit funny, so i asked whether there was any nuts or mushrooms in it and the waitress said there wasn’t so I kept eating it but then I started to feel worse so I stopped eating it.

I asked for a glass of water so I could take my tablet to stop me from being sick but she took ages and I was feeling worse and worse so by the time I took the tablet it was too late to do anything. I waited for half an hour to be sick, because I knew I would, and it wasn’t until we gave up and decided go that I was actually sick.

I know this sounds weird, but I don’t think i had ever been so happy to throw up, plus I got some cheesecake out of it :P .

We got back to Robin’s Nest around 4 and I started cooking dinner. After our delicious speedboats (basically sausages with vegies) and some cheesecake, we hit the hay.

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