Saturday 3 December 2011

Day 11

Sunday we spent the day at Gold Reef City. It’s a theme park in Johannesburg at the site of an old gold mine.

We rocked up, ready to go, and then we were told that most of the power was out. By that I mean, they had enough power for some of the little kiddy rides and to go down the mine, but not enough for credit card machines or any of the thrill rides.

We went and did the mine tour first, hoping that by the time we had finished, the power would be back on and most of the rides would be working. The tour was good, we went down the mine shaft to level 5 which is 233 meters down.

We came out and all the power was back on, but a lot of the rides were under maintenance before the holidays. We went on a few rides; the best I thought was the golden loop.

 We also did this 4D ride which was awesome. It was a 3D movie except the chairs moved and air blowed down my neck.

The last ride we went on was the anaconda. We were in line for over an hour! The ride was great but not quite worth the wait. After we finally got off the ride we got a soft serve and headed back to Jen’s.

After leftovers for diner we went back to the 9inObservatory to sort out what to take to Cape Town and hit the sack.

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