Monday 5 December 2011

Day 17 - Back to Johannesburg

Saturday morning we packed our bags for the flight back to Johannesburg. We were out of Robins Nest at around 9.00 and headed round to Ivor and Cora’s to say goodbye.

We got to the airport around 10.00 and were on the plane at 10.50. The flight only took about 1½ hours and Jen picked us up from the airport. We dropped off out bag at 9inObservatory and took whatever need to be washed to Jen’s.

When we got to Jen’s, we jumped on the pool for a bit before we were told to get out and get dry so we could go to the movies. We had a small dinner and went to see Puss in Boots in 3D.

We brought heaps of popcorn and went to our seats right in the middle of the cinema. The movie was great and it was really funny. I don’t want to give anything away but it includes Humpty Alexander Dumpty who is evil, Jack and Jill who are very evil and magic beans. We all had heaps of fun.

We were back at observatory around 8 and went to bed.

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